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时间:2023-05-24 15:01:01    来源:哔哩哔哩

TED演讲者:Hyeonmi Kim / 金贤美

演讲标题:How webtoons are changing movies and TV / 网络漫画是如何改变电影和电视剧产业的?

内容概要:Pop culture is changing thanks to a different kind of storytelling, says digital strategist Hyeonmi Kim. They're called webtoons: comic-like illustrations published in short segments and meant to be read on a smartphone in five to 10 minutes. Kim breaks down how webtoons have leapt from phones to the big screen (Netflix's "Hellbound," anyone?) and how they're bringing a new, diverse generation of creators into TV and movie scriptwriting.


金贤美(Hyeonmi Kim音)说,流行文化正在发生变化,这要归功于一种不同的讲故事方式。 它们被称为网络漫画:以短片形式发布的类似漫画的插图,未来能在智能手机上用 5 到 10 分钟内在智能手机上阅读。金详述了网络漫画如何从手机跃升至大屏幕(网飞(Netflix) 的《地狱公使》(Hellbound),有人知道吗?),以及他们如何将新一代、多样化的创作者带入电视和电影剧本创作中。


【1】Believe it or not, many of you are participating in one of the greatest democratizations of storytelling the world has ever known.

你可能不信, 你们很多人都在参与 一个迄今为止世界范围内最大的 讲故事的民主化进程。

【2】And you're probably doing this on a daily basis through the movies and TV shows you're watching.

你可能每天都在做这件事, 通过你观看的电影和电视节目。

【3】This is a grand democratization that's giving voice on a global scale to the bizarre, fantastical stories of the unheard.

这是一场规模宏大的民主化过程, 让世界各地那些之前不为人知的 离奇故事被人看到。

【4】It's amazing, and I want to tell you all about it.

这很了不起, 我想来说说这件事。

【5】But first, to fully appreciate everything I'm about to say, you need to understand how movies and TV shows are traditionally made.

但是首先,要明白我接下来 要说的内容, 你要先了解电影和电视节目的 传统制作方式是什么样的。

【6】So for the longest time, the mainstream media industry has relied on a closed ecosystem of script writers.

在很长一段时间内, 主流的传媒行业依赖于 一个封闭的编剧生态系统。

【7】These star script writers are often chosen to create a series of blockbusters.

这些明星编剧经常被选中 去打造一系列大片。

【8】And the production house investors rely on these proven writers to increase their chances of success.

制作公司的投资者们依赖着 这些有成功经验的编剧, 来提高电影成功的几率。

【9】And you can see the problem here.


【10】A closed network of writers naturally limits the boundaries of plots.

一个封闭的作家圈子, 自然而然也会限制故事情节的创作。

【11】This is why sometimes you feel like you're watching the same superhero plots and cliché love stories.

这就是为什么你会觉得 一直在看一样的超级英雄剧情, 还有陈词滥调的爱情故事。

【12】But this is all changing.


【13】And it's changing fast because of webtoons.

而且因为网络漫画, 它改变的速度很快。

【14】A webtoon is basically a story that's told using cartoon, comic-like illustrations.

网络漫画就是用动画, 或者类似漫画的图画来讲故事。

【15】It's published in short segments, usually on a weekly basis and meant to be read on a smartphone in five, 10 minutes.

它以短篇幅的形式发布, 通常是周更。 这就是为了能在手机上 用 5 或 10 分钟阅读。

【16】It's sure to create fun, bite-sized entertainment, but it's not like Instagram or TikTok.

这肯定是种有趣的、 碎片化的娱乐形式, 但是这不像Instagram 或者Tiktok,

【17】Those are considered as non-storytelling media, whereas webtoons are storytelling media.

因为这些App并不算是 “讲故事”的传播方式, 而网络漫画确实 是一种讲故事的方式。

【18】They are meant to follow a narrative structure.


【19】Webtoons are published in these open platforms where anybody - you, me, a single mother in Pakistan, a teenager in Japan, anyone - anyone can share our great stories to find an audience who are excited to consume our content.

网络漫画发布在一些公开的平台, 所有人,包括你,我, 巴基斯坦的单身妈妈, 日本的青少年, 所有人, 所有人都能分享自己的好故事, 也能找到喜欢我们故事内容的受众。

【20】The whole phenomenon has started in Korea and now spread around the world.

这个现象从韩国开始, 现在流行到了全世界。

【21】For example, in the United States, one of the major webtoon platforms, called Naver Webtoon, has now exceeded 15 million monthly users.

举个例子,在美国, 一个比较大的网络漫画平台, 叫Naver网漫, 现在的月活用户 已经突破了 1500 万。

【22】This is not something happening in the quiet corner of the internet.

这不是发生在互联网 不起眼角落的一件事。

【23】In fact, thanks to the healthy growth of audience, the web story platform market itself now reaches almost one billion US dollars and counting.

事实上,得益于受众的健康增长, 网络故事平台的市场现在已经 达到了近 10 亿美元, 并且还在增长。

【24】So I'm a strategy consultant, and I work with a lot of media companies and content providers.

我是一名战略咨询顾问, 我会和很多媒体公司 以及内容提供商打交道。

【25】And I realize that the companies and executives I work with fall into two buckets.

我意识到这些公司和高管, 可以分成两派。

【26】Those who start to realize the webtoon universe is a treasure trove of new and fabulous stories just waiting to be made into movies or TV series.

有些开始意识到网络漫画 就是新奇有趣故事的宝库, 这些故事就等着 被拍成电影和电视剧。

【27】And those whom I am trying to really wake up so that they can fully capitalize on this phenomenon as well.

还有一些我尝试在叫醒他们, 这样他们也能充分利用 这个现象和潮流。

【28】So if you asked me to describe what a webtoon really is, I would say it's a multimillion-dollar megaphone for you and people like you.

所以如果你要我描述网络漫画 究竟是什么? 我会说这对你, 和对像你一样的人来说, 就是价值百万美元的扩音器,

【29】With the eyes of forward-thinking content producers who are turning to webtoons, it's easier than ever for the writer in you to become a blockbuster storyteller.

这在转向网络漫画的、 具有远见的内容制作者眼中, 你比以往任何时候都容易 成为一个爆款故事创作者。

【30】Are you a "Hellbound" fan?

你是《地狱公使》 (Hellbound)的粉丝吗?

【31】What about "Itaewon Class" or "Kingdom"?

或者《梨泰院Class》(Itaewon Class) 和《王国》(Kingdom)?

【32】They all started as webtoons.


【33】Actually, in 2021 alone, there were more than two dozen TV series made based on webtoons, aired across major TV channels and streaming media with big-time success.

事实上,仅仅在 2021 这一年内, 就有 20 多部由网络漫画 改编的电视剧 在各大电视台和流媒体放送, 并大获成功。

【34】For example, Netflix's "Hellbound" is a story about people who find out when they're going to die and if they're going to heaven or hell.

举个例子,网飞(Netflix)的 《地狱公使》 是一个关于人们知道他们何时会死, 以及他们会去天堂还是地狱的故事。

【35】And there is an amazing plot twist to keep you guessing who's getting into heaven, and who's, you know, hellbound.

这个故事还有个很精彩的情节设计, 让你一直猜谁会去天堂, 谁会去地狱。

【36】'"Hellbound" was originally rolled out as a webtoon in 2019 and 2020.

《地狱公使》最初作为网络漫画 在 2019 年和 2020 年推出。

【37】Then Netflix picked it up, and when it aired last year in November, it hit the top 10 most-watched list.

之后网飞改编拍成电视剧, 在去年 11 月放送时, 它是播放量最高的 前 10 部电视剧之一。

【38】(Video) (Korean) Do you really think justice can be served through man-made law?

(视频)(韩语)你真的觉得正义 可以得到伸张? 通过人为定制的法律?

【39】Hyeonmi Kim: Netflix also made "D.P."

金贤美(Hyeonmi Kim音): 网飞还制作了电视剧《D.P.》

【40】It's a story based on the writer's real-life experience in Korean military police.

这是基于作者在韩国宪兵队 真实经历的故事。

【41】And, you know, if any one of you are really wondering whether ordinary people can make it big in the webtoon universe, you would be happy to hear that the writer of "D.P" used to publish his webtoon under Ordinary Kim.

而且,如果你们中的 任何一个人怀疑 普通人能不能在网络漫画 领域大放异彩, 你会很高兴知道《D.P.》的作者, 之前就是用普通人金(Ordinary Kim)的 网名发布他的网络漫画。

【42】The webtoon writers can make up to 150,000 US dollars in Korea a year, which is five times higher than the average income.

韩国的网络漫画作者 可以一年赚高达 15 万美元, 这是平均工资水平的 5 倍。

【43】This is usually based on the revenue split between the writers and the webtoon platforms.

这些收入通常 由作者和网络漫画平台分摊。

【44】And for those major ones such as Ordinary Kim, who make a serial hit webtoons and crossover content creation such as movies and dramas,

对于一些比较知名的作者, 比如Ordinary Kim, 他们已经有热门连载网络漫画, 并开始有像电影和电视剧 这样的跨界内容创作,

【45】I mean, they can make, you know, 10 times higher income or even more.

他们可以赚平均工资十倍、 甚至更高的收入。

【46】You know what else I really love about the fact that the media industry is pulling stories from webtoons?

另外一个我很喜欢的事实是, 媒体行业正在从网络漫画中 吸收故事。

【47】So many people win because this new model is interactive.

所以很多人能成功, 是因为这个模式是互动的。

【48】Web story authors get real-time feedback from the audience who reads each episode.

网文作者能从阅读每集故事的 读者那里获得实时反馈。

【49】So the writers get better faster, and the media companies don't have to wait until after the show is made to see how it goes.

所以作者能力提升很快, 媒体制作公司也不用等到 电视剧拍摄完成, 再看观众的反馈。

【50】This new model also helps with the media industry's notorious problem with diversity.

这个新的模式也解决了 媒体制作故事一直被诟病的 内容多样性的问题。

【51】Anyone can be a writer in a web story platform, from a fresh grad cartoonist to a housewife, to who, you know, who dreamed of being a novelist one day.

每个人都能在网文平台 成为一个作者, 无论是刚毕业的漫画家、家庭主妇, 还是那些,你知道的, 希望有一天能成为小说家的人。

【52】The writers are diverse and creative, and so are their stories.

这些作者们很多样,也很有创意, 他们的故事也是如此。

【53】One of the popular webtoons called "True Beauty"

一部很热门的网络漫画 叫《女神降临》(True Beauty),

【54】was written by an amateur cartoonist.


【55】It was her first webtoon and became a big hit that found fans in close to 100 countries.

这是她第一部网络漫画, 也成为了在近 100 个国家收获 众多粉丝的大热门作品。

【56】Then it was made into TV drama that aired all across Asia.

它被拍摄成了电视剧, 在亚洲地区放送。

【57】It's a story about a high school girl who has quite different looks with and without makeup.

这是关于一个化妆和不化妆区别很大的 高中女孩的故事。

【58】Then the story shows how she became, you know, comfortable with herself and loved as she is.

这个故事讲述了她如何开始 接受并热爱真实的自己。

【59】At the beginning, people didn't know who the writer was.

一开始,人们并不知道 这部剧的作者是谁。

【60】As the show became more and more popular, the writer got a spotlight, and it was more surprising that she looked very alike to the main character.

随着这部剧越来越受欢迎, 这个作者受到了大家的关注, 让人惊讶的是,她和 作品中的主角长的很像。

【61】And she's a single mom.


【62】Now, not only has her webtoon and drama become a big hit, she's creating a positive influence by making single-parent society much more public than before in Korea.

现在不仅是她的网络漫画和 电视剧变成了大热作品, 她自己也给大家带来了 积极的影响, 让单亲家庭在韩国社会 得到了更多的关注。

【63】Where to from here?


【64】I personally believe in a few scenarios of evolution.


【65】For the webtoon industry, there will be more and more specialized drawing houses, which could help with designs and drawing so that more writers could provide great stories without having to be great artists.

对于网络漫画的产业来说, 会有越来越多的专业绘画工作室入场 负责设计和绘画方面, 所以越来越多的作者 可以创造更好的故事, 而不用担心绘画能力和水平。

【66】For streaming networks, they will continue to keep an eye on unique stories starting from webtoons to web novel, to classic novel - even mythology.

对于流媒体来说, 它们会继续关注那些独特的故事, 从网络漫画到网络小说, 到经典小说, 甚至是神话。

【67】Who knows?


【68】Maybe the next big-hit drama could even originate from an old goddess story in an island in Indonesia.


【69】The competition to hunt the best story in the world is on.

寻找全球最佳故事的 比赛正在进行中。

【70】Thank you.


